January 29, 2021

Ladies, this past week was super heavy for many people…including myself. So much is happening in the world and it can be so difficult figuring out what one should put her attention and focus on. We live in a world where injustice happens every day, people are treated unfairly, and inequality seems as if it will never end. The world is constantly changing and life seems to keep going regardless of what emotions we may be experiencing that day. This past week, especially, I have been flooded and bombarded with SO. MANY. emotions. 

In the midst of my angst, confusion, and grief, I realized that I needed to refocus my attention. It is so easy to be moved by what we see and hear with our physical senses that we become distracted with all the noise and in turn become paralyzed from actually taking action in our homes and communities. What is happening in our world right now is something that can only be eradicated through both prayer and intentional strategic and intentional action. 

I believe the first step as a believer towards seeing change is checking our hearts, and asking the Lord to reveal any and everything that is causing separation or deviation of our hearts and minds towards Him. As believers, we are a family and we are accountable for how we treat one another — including our enemies. Jesus is the source of hope, peace, and reconciliation. He is also a God of Justice. I personally believe that justice without supernatural love can not be eternally effective or long lasting, meaning justice can look to be served but if our hearts are not in the right place and if trust is in man we will not experience the fullness that is birthed from divine justice and reconciliation God’s way. 

Ephesians 2:10: “For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared ahead of time for us to do.” 

We are His workmanship created in His image to do good works for Him! Sister, today I want to remind you that your voice matters, your prayers matters, and your action matters. We all are in different scenarios and situations personally that can possibly cause us to not be able to give and help others in ways that we ultimately want to during this time. But, there is something that we all can do and that is seek God regarding what He would have YOU do. Remember that no responsibility is too small if it’s a directive of God. We are in need of a supernatural revival and turning of hearts and before that can happen in our world, we first have to allow Him to touch our hearts of stone and turn them into flesh. 

As women, we have the power to make instant change. When we gather together on one accord and allow the Lord to use us, we will see our impact on our communities, families, workplaces and marriages; we will begin to see change happen right before our eyes. Don’t become overwhelmed with what seems impossible. Cling to the ONE who does the IMPOSSIBLE! 

One of my favorite scriptures right now comes from Isaiah 60:1: “The Lord announces the word, and the women who proclaim it are a mighty throng!” This scripture is challenging me to dig deeper into the Word of God and to proclaim His truth over every seemingly hard and difficult situation.

 As women, let’s lock hands together and allow ourselves to not be intimidated by the present but be moved by the possibilities of a just future — a future that is filled with justice for those who don’t have a voice is possible with Christ in the center; He is the divine strategist and aligner. 

Below I want to share with you two prophetic words that are helping to align my heart and focus in this season! Both prophetic words are speaking to us “women” directly. I pray that it blesses you and ignites hope into your heart like it did mine.

About the author 

Natasha Ann Miller

Natasha Ann Miller is the co founder of marriedandyoung.com alongside her husband Jamal Miller. Born and raised in Southern California, Natasha fell in love with Jesus at a very young age. Dedicating her purity to God caused her to marry her husband with out ever being kissed. Her story has opened up many opportunities to encourage others in their stand for purity. Natasha enjoys seeing women find their identity and purpose in Christ. One of her greatest desires is to see woman remain content in every season of their lives whether unmarried or married. Being a new wife, Natasha now enjoys entertaining friends and family at their home. Natasha now resides in Chicago, IL with her amazing husband as they Pastor the students at All Nations Worship Assembly.

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