May 28, 2020

Have you ever felt like everyone around you is thriving and growing and you feel like your life is at a standstill? 

Many times I have felt stuck…and feeling stuck is not fun or fulfilling. It’s quite frustrating and disheartening, especially when you have personally given up hope within yourself that personal change could ever take place. 

I recently took a personality/work style quiz by Gretchen Rubin called The Four Tendencies test. I know you may be thinking, not another personality test, Natasha! Trust me, I’ve been quite underwhelmed with all of the quizzes and tests that promise you insight into understanding the inner workings of our intrinsic and creative makeup. But, this quiz has shockingly helped me to reevaluate the way I process and view not only my work style but also how I set goals and accomplish them. 

After taking the quiz the tendency I was matched with was “the Obliger.” In Gretchen Rubin’s book, The Four Tendencies, the Obliger is defined as someone who often “meets outer expectations, but struggles with meeting inner expectations”. When I read this definition it was like a literal light bulb appeared in my mind and everything began to get a bit clearer regarding how I respond the way that I do to goals and personal expectations. 

I tend to put people before myself and easily attach my heart to the vision and purpose of those who are closest to me. In turn, if i’m not cautious, I can end up sacrificing my personal dreams and desires to help others accomplish theirs. It is not a bad thing wanting to help others be great, we all are called to uplift, encourage, and support those God has assigned or places into our lives. But, we do a disservice to ourselves and God when we don’t strategically and intentionally begin to “work” the ground He has given us to till. 

We all have been given specific gifts and talents that will help emulate and reveal to the world the glory and beauty of God. You and I were made and created to do something that has never been done before; you may say, Natasha, what I want to do or feel called to do is being done by someone else. Well, yes that may be true…but YOU still have not stepped out to do it. Your creativity, the way that the Lord has wired your brain to work, is so unique and rare. Ultimately, no one can do what “you do” like YOU can! 

Many times I have struggled with whether or not I am doing something right and when I do that I notice that It’s hard for me to make the necessary decision to experience real change. 

It’s time to take responsibility for your life. No longer waiting for the perfect moment to be you and become the woman God has created you to be. Change is good but definitely can be hard! When you internally make the decision to FIGHT and STAND amidst all of the challenges that might be thrown at you, you will begin to build character, resilience, and strength. You will begin to value the gift that you are and dream again. 

God is not looking for perfection — He is looking for someone who is willing to go through the fire and yet still trust Him to bring them through. God did not promise that this world would be easy and that we would not feel pain or heartache. He promised that He would not lead us astray or forsake us. He wants to journey with you this week and forevermore. This week I want to encourage you to  believe him for the impossible. 

Remember that you are the game changer, sis! No longer believe that you are not good enough, strong enough, or pretty enough. You are ENOUGH because God is ENOUGH. Your future matters and there is room for you in the family of God!

About the author 

Natasha Ann Miller

Natasha Ann Miller is the co founder of marriedandyoung.com alongside her husband Jamal Miller. Born and raised in Southern California, Natasha fell in love with Jesus at a very young age. Dedicating her purity to God caused her to marry her husband with out ever being kissed. Her story has opened up many opportunities to encourage others in their stand for purity. Natasha enjoys seeing women find their identity and purpose in Christ. One of her greatest desires is to see woman remain content in every season of their lives whether unmarried or married. Being a new wife, Natasha now enjoys entertaining friends and family at their home. Natasha now resides in Chicago, IL with her amazing husband as they Pastor the students at All Nations Worship Assembly.

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