January 29, 2021

I absolutely love dancing, I may not be the “best” dancer (lol!) but I enjoy it nevertheless! I love the feeling that comes over me when a song that I love begins playing. I immediately start envisioning what dance moves would go great with a beat or melody of a song. 

Even though I can envision what “moves” would go best with the song, it doesn’t mean that I have the guts to try it out right then and there. (Just being honest.) 

If i’m in a comfortable setting with people I trust, I tend to get up on the dance floor a bit sooner than later. Otherwise, if I’m in a new setting I tend to gradually make my way to the dance floor. Y’all…I don’t like that I tend to base my decision to dance on whether or not “I feel” comfortable or safe. I want to be able to dance whenever I want too, regardless of who is in the room. Yet, I still will hold back out of fear of being looked down upon or deemed “the girl that can’t dance” (ugh!).  

As you can see, this fear is deeply rooted…when I was in middle school, a fellow classmate looked me in the eye after I danced my little heart out to NSync’s “Bye Bye” song and told me: “You can NOT dance. You did the body roll wrong.” 

Y’all, that shattered my confidence and from that moment on I was very cautious of what dance  moves I did and who I did them around. 

Have you ever stopped doing something you loved because someone told you you were not “doing it right”? Or maybe no one told you that directly, but you repeat that lie to yourself whenever you step out to try something new? Sometimes, beginning something new or doing something that makes you happy can feel good to you but be misunderstood by others. 

I want to encourage you to not give into that fear of being judged or rejected. Rather, lean into what you believe the Lord is leading you into. Some of the most powerful and intimate moments I’ve had with God have been during the times He asked me to do something that was different or uncomfortable. He knows us better than we know ourselves, and when we choose to look to Him for everything that we do, it becomes easier to simply be ourselves. 

He is our audience of One; when He sees you stepping out on faith or doing something out of your comfort zone He smiles. In all honesty, He is our why and the reason we live. He is our audience of One. He never grows weary seeing you dance to a new tune of revelation He’s placed in your heart. He never grows tired of hearing you say “Father, will you dance with me?” or “Father, what melody or rhythm of dance would you like me to follow you into?”

He loves to lead you. 

He loves to watch you. 

He loves being with you. 

Colossians 3:23: “Whatever you do, work at it wholeheartedly as though you were doing it for the Lord and not merely for people.”

This week I encourage you to do the hard thing, have the conversation, open up your journal, sing a new song and dance like only “One” is watching. I’m confident you will find Him there, gently leading you into His beautiful song and melody for your life.

About the author 

Natasha Ann Miller

Natasha Ann Miller is the co founder of marriedandyoung.com alongside her husband Jamal Miller. Born and raised in Southern California, Natasha fell in love with Jesus at a very young age. Dedicating her purity to God caused her to marry her husband with out ever being kissed. Her story has opened up many opportunities to encourage others in their stand for purity. Natasha enjoys seeing women find their identity and purpose in Christ. One of her greatest desires is to see woman remain content in every season of their lives whether unmarried or married. Being a new wife, Natasha now enjoys entertaining friends and family at their home. Natasha now resides in Chicago, IL with her amazing husband as they Pastor the students at All Nations Worship Assembly.

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